(55)4334-5353 y (55)4334-5400

Verification Unit

What is a verification?

Verification is the ocular verification or verification by sampling, measurement, laboratory tests or examination of documents, which is carried out to assess the conformity with a Mexican Official Standard (NOM) of a system subject to this legal instrument.

According to the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization, verification is carried out through the Verification Units (UV) duly accredited by an accreditation body (EMA) and approved by the agency

Said verification may be requested at the request of the interested party from the Verification Units accredited and approved to obtain, where appropriate, the reports of compliance with the NOMs.

The document used to formalize the verification is the Verification Opinion, which must be presented, as the case may be, before authorities

What is a Verification Unit?

The Verification Units (UV) are natural or legal persons, who perform acts of verification, that is, who carry out conformity assessment activities through ocular verification or verification, by sampling, measurement, laboratory tests or Examination of documents at a specific time or time, with the confidence that the services provided are conducted with technical competence, impartiality and confidentiality.

In ONEROM we have an Accredited Verification Unit to be able to carry out verifications of the Standards most frequently used in the different Industries.We have the structure and development to be able to issue records of the standards

NOM-004-SCFI-2006 Commercial information-labeling of textile products, clothing and their accessories and household linen

NOM-015-SCFI-2007 Commercial information-labeling of toys.

NOM-020-SCFI-1997 Commercial information-labeling of natural tanned leathers and skins and synthetic or artificial materials with that appearance, footwear, leather goods, as well as products made with such materials

NOM-050-SCFI-2004 General commercial information-disposal for products.

NOM-141-SSA1/SCFI-2012 Labeling for prepackaged cosmetic products. Sanitary and commercial labeling.

NOM-024-SCFI-2013 commercial information for packaging, instructions and guarantees of electronic products and appliances

Movement in 7 high-flow customs:


Norte 79B No.94 Col. Sector Naval, Alcaldía Azcapotzalco CDMX C.P.02080


(55)4334-5353 y (55)4334-5400